Dijsselbloem: Decisions on Greek debt after the summer

Speaking to reporters, ahead of a Eurogroup meeting here, Dijsselbloem said: “We are in a middle of an assessment. If this assessment is positive a decision on a new support package for Greece could wait for after the Euro-elections”.

Dijsselbloem: Decisions on Greek debt after the summer

“We always said to look to the future, when Eurostat verified Greek statistics. This will happen at the end of April,” Dijsselbloem added, noting that the Eurogroup will decide on a possible new programme for Greece if necessary. This decision could be taken after the summer, “it could be in September” he said, adding that the IMF agreed to that, according to ana-mpa

Dijsselbloem said that if all preconditions of the Greek programme were met, Greece’s creditors would approve the disbursement of pending loans before May. “This could fund Greece until August. So, there is no reason to hurry,” he noted.

The Eurogroup president noted that the Greek debt must be reduced, the question however was who and how to do it. “This is something we will discuss after the summer,” he said.

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