Fight against time until Eurogroup

- The pressure of creditors and the strategy of Athens – Fear of referring the Greek issue to the next meeting.

The Greek government continues to negotiate with the creditors, until Eurogroup of March 10th.

The gap between the two sides remains unbridgeable and doubts are already expressed whether decision will be taken for the gradual disbursement of the pending installments in the Eurogroup in March.

Sources say that, Eurogroup of Monday will be able to take an important decision, if the European commission has taken "The final assurances from Athens on Thursday afternoon and the meeting of euroworking group has been held in the following hours".

Otherwise, the Greek issue may be referred to a future emergency session or in person, or by teleconference "when the Greek side will complete the negotiations with troika".

In relation with the Budget of 2014, troika has detected deviation from budgetary targets ranging from 700 million Euros to 1 billion.

From its part, Greek government is asking the injustices to be eliminated and to be "restored" those who were struck by economic crisis.

Our creditors will continue an unabated but discreet pressure for the Greek side in the reforms side, and in the side of the Financial gap.