USS George H.W.Bush (CVN-77) enters the bay of Faliro

A large area in the bay of Faliro enters into a protection zone for the mooring of the USA's Navy enormous aircraft carrier vessel "USS George H.W.Bush (CVN-77)" during a visit to our country.

Length of 332,8 metres, the aircraft carrier vessel which is part of the 6th Fleet, carries the name of the 41st President of the USA George H.W Bush of elder, who was naval flier at the duration of B' world war.

The "USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77)", which is based in the Marine Base of Norfolk Virginia, is the tenth and more sophisticated aircraft carrier vessel of USA. Her manufacture, that began in 2003 and was completed in 2009, cost 6, 2 billion dollars.

The vessel carries 90 aircrafts and helicopters of 8 aircraft squadrons while her special trained crew reaches the 3.200 marine personnel and 2.480 naval aviation personnel.

The ship was placed in Eastern Mediterranean -which is 6th fleet's navy patrol area-on 24 February. Her captain is Vice-admiral DeWolfe Miller.