Avramopoulos: «Ukraine crisis must not lead back to zero-sum game»

he relations of the West with Russia are not a zero-sum game, and mutual understanding along with international rule must prevail, Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos said on Monday from Boston.

Prior to the start of a congress on the future of Europe held at Harvard University, where he was keynote speaker, Avramopoulos said, "During these critical hours, diplomacy must rule and a political solution must be found. It is not just the peaceful resolution of a regional crisis that is at stake, but global stability as well."

The Defence minister said, "We have two enemies before us: nationalistic extremism and totalitarianism," adding that the post-World War II period "proved that our relations, between the Western world and Russia were not a zero-sum game. On the contrary, a modus operandi was found to bring the sought-after stability."

This hour is "again a time to reaffirm our commitment to the value of mutual empathy and understanding," he added, "which is the heart of international law," and expressed his optimism that the crisis will be overcome.