Peace on the edge

Russian news agencies, citing a representative of the Kremlin broadcast that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the troops participating in military exercises this week to return to their bases, transmits Reuters.

Peace on the edge

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the army drill, which Moscow denies that relate to the events in Ukraine, have been successful.

The army drill held in western Russia, an area which borders with Ukraine.

The diplomatic "war" continues after the military occupation of Crimea, with the West to threaten sanctions to prevent further development of Russia in eastern Ukraine, where crowds are protesting in favor of Russia and against the new fascist -as they describe it- government of Kiev.

Troops will remain in Ukraine» to defend Russian interests and citizens until the political situation is «normalized ", said Moscow through Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov - premised the ultranationalist threat and accusing the West that" allied with real neo-Nazis . "

Russia " is on the wrong side of history " was the response of Barack Obama, who accuses Russia for violating international law with military intervention in Ukraine , messaging Kremlin that in time this will be a very costly venture.
President Obama threatened Russia by imposing a series of economic and diplomatic sanctions, requesting the presence of international observers in Ukraine.

"The USA have a wide range of options to act against Russia in case the tension escalated in Ukraine and this time Washington is preparing to move to sanctions against Moscow," said State Department spokesman.

U.S. President Barack Obama met yesterday for more than two hours with the Supreme National Security Council, and discussed ways in which the United States and its allies would "further isolate" Russia in retaliation for Moscow's military presence in Ukraine, said White House official.

U.S. officials have ruled out military engagements, which could lead to further escalation of the conflict, while the Pentagon was quick to deny any rumors that American armed forces are ready to engage in warfare.

Pentagon clarifies that, there is no change in U.S. military bases in Europe or the Mediterranean Sea. "Some media speculate on possible movements of ships in the area. There has been no change in our military bases in Europe and the Mediterranean, "said Kirby. The Pentagon spokesman added that units of the United States Navy conducted routine exercises in the region.

The Crimea " was, is and remains Ukrainian territory"

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseni Giatseniouk impeached Russians' "attack" referring to his country as a victim and restated that Crimea remains within Ukrainian territory, in a interview with the German newspaper Bild published today.

"Our Russians neighbors have committed an unjustified attack on our national territory, without any reason, (but) the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was, is and remains Ukrainian territory," said Giatseniouk to the newspaper with the most readers in Europe .

In his interview with Bild, the Giatseniouk speaks for mediation of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ( OSCE ) and the help of the UN in order to achieve a peaceful resolution of this conflict.

Conferences on EU

Facing the risk of a new division of the continent , the EU looks for stride, with Berlin to prefer a diplomatic way out, given the energy dependence on Moscow (more than 35 % of its natural gas).

On the European side, a mediation at the highest level is promoted, through the creation of a "mission of experts "under the auspices of the OSCE in eastern Ukraine in order to lead the Russian and the Ukrainian government in dialogue. However Russia currently does not consent.

The head of European diplomacy came at an emergency meeting in Brussels, the German Foreign Minister Frank -Walter Steinmeier to the pointing out the gravity of the situation, saying that " Europe is currently faces the biggest crisis since the fall of the Berlin Wall".

EU warns imposing targeted sanctions and review of the matter relations with Russia if not withdraw to their bases military forces in the Crimea until Thursday, when an extraordinary summit is convened.

The Security Council of the United Nations met again Monday night and Tuesday NATO carries out urgent consultations at the request of Poland on the basis of Article 4, which is activated if any Member State considers that the territorial integrity, sovereignty or security is threatened.

On the diplomatic arena, in addition to the visit of John Kerry in Kiev, the head of European diplomacy Catherine Ashton will be Tuesday meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Madrid.

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