Stavros Theodorakis: «I dream of a Greece without national borders»!

During the presentation of his political party positions, Mr. Theodorakis stressed , inter alia, that the " Potami " dreams of a Greece without borders ..., while we have already transferred our sovereignty to our lenders .

Grave sensation caused by the current placements Stavros Theodorakis where during a press conference for the positions of his party, appeared "extreme pro-European ", noting that there are no national borders, but European, "EU should become our country. A Federal Europe in which we allocate powers ... "and continued by saying that there should be no national army: "I do not understand why national armies should exist ... There are no national borders, there are European one."

Stavros Theodorakis's opinions are strange since anyone can understand that " we live in evil times", and it is now clear that Europe has lost its basic, structural features , which –supposedly- was the solidarity of the people .

In these times, that the erstwhile "ecumenical village " of Europe is forgotten and that EMU countries suffer in the cruelest way the German fiscal and financial onslaught , Mr. Stavros Theodorakis appears more or less over .. . homeland!

While Europe , the Balkans , the Middle East and the Mediterranean is a burning gunpowder , the head of "Potami" tells us that there should not be national armies , whatever that means for a country surrounded by irredentist moods of neighbors as Turks, Skopjan , Bulgarians and Albanians.

In a country where the financial system and the European and international markets' "ravens" are strangling daily the social bonds with the blessings of the German incumbent , Mr. Theodorakis urges us to feel Europeans and even feel happy for the cruelty that is taking place over our country .

And finally, since we risk losing everything , why do not lose our national identity ?
Moreover, . .. Europe which Mr. Theodorakis envisions has already shown how much appreciates the Greeks. Shouldn't we reciprocate this generosity....?