German President Gauck in Greece on Wednesday

German President Joachim Gauck embarks today, Wednesday on a three-day visit to Greece, until Friday.

The President of Germany Joachim Gauck will visit the village of Liagades near Ioannina on Wednesday, where a Nazi atrocity took place. It is scheduled to meet with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias and the Jewish Community of Ioannina.

On the occasion of German Pesident's visit to Greece, the MP of SYRIZA Manolis Glezos sent two letters about the German dept.

The first letter is addressed to the Speaker of Parliament, Vaggeli Meimarakis. He asks him to set up quickly a comitty for the assertion of German dept, so the community to meet with the German president.

The second one is addressed to Minister of Foreign Affairs Evangelos Venizelos. Mr Glezos requests information about the outcome of the Legal Council of the State.