Gavdos residents to boycott Euro-elections

The residents of Gavdos won't participate in the Elections for the European Parliament on May 25 to protest the destruction of chemicals from Syria in the Mediterranean Sea.

The agony of the islanders is described in the following text form flashnews: "Gavdos is in the middle of the Mediterranean, which is threatened by the indifference of the government and the movement of chemical weapons from the war in Syria, in our international waters. We protest and we will try to cancel this move".

The threat

For Gavdos, Crete, Peloponnese, Malta, Italy and throughout the Mediterranean, this is a criminal offense. The "experiment" of hydrolysis onboard with extremely hazardous materials, could reach to a disaster in the sea, which could destroy any living organism and us with them.


All the above with the support of the United Nations, which used the character international waters to clean on account of interests, political and economic, as if the international waters is nothing but lines on the political without threats of possible destruction. And all this against international law which states that the destruction of the Chemical War should be made only on the ground that the country produces over territory or country that has bought. But the indifference of governments and European institutions constructs environmental consequences, with more austerity for the people and greater profits for financially strong.

The question

Portugal and Albania refused to participate in this political game.

What we recommend

Theirs are the chemicals, their own war, so they should keep their homelands and greywater. The people who bought them, should keep them. The Parliament Members should answer to all questions calculating human life, without being gods.


Participates in coordinating the actions against the implementation of this absurd and dangerous decision. Collects signatures of residents and forward them to the competent bodies. Makes protest banners in the lighthouse south of Europe. Doesn't vote for the Euro-election.