Panos Kammenos: “Neither fair nor viable the solution for Cyprus”

Panos Kammenos and Giorgos Lillikas don't agree, but criticize Greek and Cypriot governments for their recent movements.

Kammenos expressed strong concern about the developments talking with Lillikas, the the president of "Citizens Alliance". The president of the "Independent Greeks" confirmed once again his sensitivity on national issues by criticizing the Greek and Cypriot government manipulations in the case of Cyprus. Among others he said that the plan that is launched to solve the Cyprus problem leads to the "abolition of the Republic of Cyprus and that it will give a solution that will neither be fair nor sustainable".

The main object of the meeting was the developments in the Cyprus problem, with both men expressing their disagreement with the new framework for the solution of the problem, developments in Ukraine, as well as economic issues. Kammenos also talked about "the tragic economic situation which has currently reached by the Cypriot Hellenism and the Greek people, because of programs imposed by troika, which lead to recession, unemployment and stagnation of the economy, whereas economic crisis turns into a humanitarian movement, before it converts to a national crisis".

The two men agreed to have a common line against Cyprus and expressed their concern over the developments in Ukraine, with Kammenos mentioning a recognitionation of a non-democratically elected government of the part of the European Union: "We are particularly concerned by the debate of imposing an embargo, especially with regard to equipment, because this potential embargo essentially affect only two countries in the European Union, Cyprus and Greece" and adding there will be joint initiatives with Lillikas on all issues.

On his part, Lillikas talked about the financial crisis in Cyprus and about the need for a solution, as soon as possible, in order "to regain our national sovereignty and for independent decisions on our own national interests". He further said that he shares common concerns with Kammenos regarding the Cyprus problem. Referring to the new framework that have been formed for the resolution are "based on Downer documents", which are nothing more than a bad or worst case scenario then the "Annan Plan". "We believe that we can not negotiate anything that directly or indirectly recognizes two sovereignties and three nationalities in Cyprus," said Lillikas.

The president of "Citizens Alliance" also expressed his deep concerns about the developments in Ukraine, saying that they "can directly affect our national interests, of Greece and Cyprus" and added that Cyprus "unfortunately, was hurt in recent years and especially the last year, from the relationship it maintained with Russia, "which was "traditionally allied with Cyprus and supported whenever needed, even in the Security Council, exercising its veto to protect our national interests".

Lillikas said that any decision by the European Union for sanctions against Russia, whether they are military or are economical "should be opposed at least by the Cypriot government "and emphasized that" in no way the relationship between Cyprus and Russia should be hurt, and certainly the relationship between Greece and Russia". "We believe that over any collaborations over which our involvement in any organizations, is our national interests, and our decisions, should be taken in order to serve our national interests," he concluded.