Venizelos: I receive "messages of cautious optimism"

Government Vice-President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, chair of the EU foreign ministers' council, on Thursday said he was receiving "messages of cautious optimism" concerning developments in Ukraine from the foreign ministers representing the guarantor powers for the country, based on a 1994 memorandum.

Venizelos: I receive "messages of cautious optimism"

Replying to questions from the ANA-MPA in Rome, where he participated in an international ministerial conference on the future of Libya, Venizelos said that there had also been a lengthy discussion on the events in Ukraine.

"The ministers of the guarantor powers, with whom I met, conveyed to me a message that a contact process has begun that may lead to a result. If not to a defusion than at least to control over developments," he added.

Regarding Libya, which was the main item on the agenda, the minister stressed that its future was important for all countries in the Mediterranean and surrounding regions.

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