This is how they bind the country with debt and unemployment

They have crushed the people with cuts and measures just only to increase the debt from 299 billion in 2009 to 350 billion in 2014. Seeing the official data of the Ministry of Finance and the Hellenic Statistical Authority for the sustainability of Greek debt from 2009 until today, someone reasonably wonder, why the country went into this adventure of memoranda and hundreds inhumane cuts.

During the period that George Papandreou delivered the country to “Ravens'” markets he pledged that the troika is a protection mechanism.

This “protection” mechanism manages to go public debt from 129% of GDP, close to 180 % of GDP and unemployment reached 10.9 % of the astronomical rate of 28%. This is the “protection shield” which George Papandreou and the other political agents who served the governments of the crisis defend even today. once again presents the truth through the official data showing that manipulations of creditors and the troika not only didn't help to the impairment of debt , but they rather expanded it to the point that makes the country hamstrung by foreign agents and creditors for many years yet.

At the same time, the argument of the memorandum supporters that if we had not taken the loans we got from the support mechanism we would not have survived as a state loudly collapses, because from a total amount of 216 billion that have been given by the troika , nor a euro was spent to pay salaries, pensions or allowances to vulnerable population groups .

All the money went to pay off sinking funds and bonds maturing, while in the same direction they went also the money saved from the cuts in wages, pensions and heavy taxation which made the middle class, the workers and the pensioners in Greece to suffer.

The following table displays the evolution of public debt.

It shows that 2009 debt was at 129 % of GDP and in absolute numbers 298 billion. In 2014 according to the predicted debt budget it approaches 188.9 % of GDP!

Regarding the loans disbursed by the 1st and 2nd Memorandum and it had been supported that helped our country to stand on its feet, it is 215 billion Euros which essentially are accounting records and went to servicing amortization and repayment of previous loans . During 2010-2014 the Greek people have paid in interest, sinking fund and debt service 321 million, as shown by the tables of the report of the budget.

Also the rapporteur of the budget 2014 shows that during the period 1992-2013, (the last 21 years), debt service costs of the Central Government amounting to astronomical sum of 563 billion! And in the amount does not include other 288 billion paid for repayment of short-term securities.

That is, until now we have paid for loan repayment 851 billion Euros and they ask from us to pay another 350 billion by 2020!

Obviously someone does not need to be a graduate from LSE or Harvard to understand that something is amiss in this vicious cycle of recession keeping the country tied up! Strictly following the options of the memorandum and directions of Troika's technocrats, the Greek governments, from 2010 until today, have launched unemployment from 10.9 % to 28 %!

THESE ARE THE MEASURES OF THE MEMORANDUMS THAT ... SAVED THE COUNTRY! quotes all these measures drawn up by the "brains" of lenders and was implemented by the Greek ministers. Let us not forget that some Ministers were defended and are still defending ...until the last drop of their blood, those measures.


In late January 2010, the Prime Minister of Greece George Papandreou was in Davos, Switzerland for the annual World Economic Forum. He suffered intense pressure from foreign leaders for immediate action. Shortly after his return from Davos , on 9 February, the government announced measures for the public sector, including wage freezes , benefit cuts of 10% , cuts overtime and travel .


- Reduction of 30% on gifts for Christmas, Easter , vacations
- Reduction of 12% in all the benefits of government
- Decrease 7 % pay to utilities officials ,to officials of municipalities and private sector
- Increase VAT from 4.5 to 5% , of 9 to 10% from 19 to 21%
- Increase 15% in tax petrol
- Imposition of an additional 10 % to 30 % to the (already existing) import taxes on the value of the imported cars.
-Expanding taxation to the presumptive income of all properties, even the smallest.


-Replacement of the 13th and 14th salary for civil servants with a bonus of 500 Euro to those earning up to 3,000 Euros and complete abolition of the two salaries for higher earning
- Replacement of the 13th and 14th pension with a bonus of 800 Euro to 2500 Euro for pensions up to 2.500 Euro.
- Further - cut 8% to bonuses for civil servants and 3 % to employees of public enterprises where there are no bonuses.
- Increase the high rate of VAT from 21% to 23%, the middle rate of VAT from 10 % to 11 % (from July 1st, 2010) and from 11 % to 13 % (from January 1st, 2011) and the low rate of VAT at 6.5 % (from January 1st, 2011) .
- Increase in excise duty on fuel, cigarettes and alcohol by 10 %
- Increase in objective property values
- Additional 10 % in import taxes on the value of imported cars.
- Also, the bill provided for changes to labor, increase the limit redundancies and the reducing the minimum wage. Moreover, the insurance policy provided for an increase in the retirement age of women in the public sector in 65 years by the end of 2013 beginning 2011.


- Change tax scale with tax burden on those who declare income of more than 8,000 Euro
- Extraordinary contribution for all who have an income of over 12,000 Euro
- Raise of VAT level for food services and products.
- Imposition - tiered objective cost for housing
- Imposition of annual fee for freelancers and traders
- Imposition of special solidarity levy to combat unemployment of 2%
- Imposition of Special Contribution of Auxiliary Retirement, deducted monthly:
- Increase the retention rate LAFKA for all pensions above 1,450 Euros, from 4 % - 10 % at 6 % - 14 %.
- Labor redundancy for organizations repealed.
- Those hired without professional experience will be rewarded with a salary lower than 20 % of the limit of national collective agreement, the duration of fixed-term contracts rise from 2 to 3 years.


-Expanding the measure of labor reserve in organizations that are discontinued
-Creation a temporary tax on property to be paid through electricity bill
-Trim pensions and large cuts in lump-sum
-New wage cuts in the public employ payroll and aggregate payroll
-Reducing the tax free threshold from 8.000 € to 5.000 €
-Deregulation for all professions.


- Reduce by 22 % the minimum wage to all echelons of the basic salary ( from 751 Euro to 586 Euro) and 32 % for new entrants up to 25 years .
- Eliminate 150,000 jobs in the public sector by 2015, of which 15,000 in 2012.
- Individual or business contracts rather than sectoral. Repeal permanence in public sectors and state-controlled banks.
- Cuts in pensions, benefits, health spending , defense , state functions and elections .
- Revocation of social housing organization.
- Increase objective values and consolidation taxes on real estate.
- Deregulation for 20 professions.
- Increase tickets on Urban Transport and trains by 25 %.
- Close 200 tax offices, elimination of tax exemptions and revocation of low taxation on the islands


- Increase the retirement age by 2 years from 1-1-2013
- Reduction in pensions from 5 to 15%, from 1,000 Euros and up
- Reductions of lump-sum to 83 %
- Remove the universality of the National General Collective Labor Agreement
- Remove of Christmas bonus, Easter bonus, and vacation bonus for civil servants and pensioners
- Reduction to time warning layoffs in 4 instead of 6 months
- Cuts to special wage agreements
- Inclusion in the single payroll for workers in SOEs
- Application of availability to one year at a reduced salary to government officials whose positions are abolished.
- Removal the numerous family allowances and their replacement by a single child support allowance.
- Increase of gas taxation up 23cent.
- Application of extraordinary contribution to photovoltaic.