Meetings with foreign leaders for Obama about Ukraine

The President of U.S.A., Barack Obama, spoke by phone with foreign leaders, including the Prime Minister of Britain David Cameron, the President of France Francois Hollande and Prime Minister of Italy Renzi Matteo, about the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

Meetings with foreign leaders for Obama about Ukraine

The above were announced by the White House, but Obama also communicated with the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė , the Latvian counterpart Andris Berzins and Estonian Thomas Hendrik Ilves, according to White House spokesman Josh Ernes. No details were given about the content of Obama's talks with the six leaders from the American government, but it was perceived that the "current situation in Ukraine" was the heart of the conversations.

After the telephone conference with Hollande, the French presidency announced that France and the U.S. agreed about "new measures" against Moscow, if Russia doesn't show progress.

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