Bono: “Troika s@@@wed us”

The congress of the European People's Party in Dublin had a star!

Besides Angela Merkel, Antonis Samaras and other European leaders, the popular singer of U2, Bono was also present at the congress of the European Popular Party in Dublin after the invitation of the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny.

The famous singer of U2, Bono climbed the step and once again expressed his political position, in a speech that had it all, very sexy expressions and caw to Troika and Angela Merkel.

The spectacular entrance to the conference

Having a rock star attitude , Bono made a spectacular entrance to the conference room , under the sounds of music of Coldplay and went immediately to the step to express his views.

Naturally, he received by all attendees - who did not know what they are going to hear - loud and prolonged applause.

"Troika s@@@wed us but we did it"

The famous singer, who in many years is politically active, talked about the crisis in Ireland and the role of the Troika. "The Irish people have bail out the Irish people. They f@@ked us, but we did it. Europe is an idea, but must be a feeling", he said.

Naturally, he could not ignore the German chancellor, Angela Merkel.

"You said that Europe has a soul. When Americans talk about their country they weep, Europeans are not shedding tears, "said the popular singer addressing to Angela Merkel.

"There must be a real union of Europe and not a bureaucratic one. Peace and democracy, not nationalism and populism. We must keep nationalism and those directed against immigrants, out." also said.

He also added that "the world needs Europe and Europe begins from us".

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