The accused for the Stock Market scandal return to court

An appeal against the primary absolution of the 42 accused for the Stock Market scandal was filed by the prosecutor.

From the beginning, pointed out the scandalous and provocative decision, but now an appeal against the acquittal decision of the court was filed of the Deputy Prosecutor of the Court of Cassation, Charalambos Vourliotis. Whereas the recent unanimous decision of the three-member committee of Appeals for Felonies in Athens didn't contain full explanations, Vourliotis requested an appeal.

This means that if the Court of Cassation accepts the prosecutor's request, the case will be examined from scratch. Primary, 42 people, entrepreneurs, investors, brokers and even owners, who allegedly participated in the scandal of 1999, were acquitted for felony fraud and money laundering. The case was brought after years of additional research conducted by the prosecutor Charalambos Lakafosis, who exercised felonies of fraud and money laundering, in each case.