Tsipras: On Μay 25, people decide to "build" a new Europe

In the elections of 25th of May, the people of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus will decide whether to live without the prescriptions of failure of troika or whether to build a new Europe, a Europe of people, was assessed yesterday in Dublin, by Alexis Tsipras, the President of SYRIZA.
Tsipras: On Μay 25, people decide to "build" a new Europe

Tsipras stressed that troika spawned social misery, poverty, unemployment and mass migration of young people in every country it set foot in. In all these countries, he added, the governments are trying to create the false image that troika succeeded. However, people won't believe them, because they have lived and are living a tragedy, the president of SYRIZA said. They lived and live the social misery of austerity and in the Euro elections they have a significant opportunity to vote against the policies and parties that brought the troika and apply memorandas.

According to Tsipras, on May 25th the dilemma is whether to send them where they came from or to continue with the troika in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus, but possibly and in other countries of Europe, because austerity is a common project. If you we send them back, if we claim the right to live without their recipes of failure, if we build a new Europe, a Europe of people, he added.

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