Hospital doctors to join in public-sector strike

The national hospital doctors union federation OENGE on Tuesday announced its decision to participate in a 24-hour public-sector strike called on Wednesday by the civil servants' union federation ADEDY.
Hospital doctors to join in public-sector strike

The strike is held to protest against lay offs of public-sector staff and the 'availability' scheme for the suspension of staff on reduced pay according to ANA-MPA

"The health sector has been brutally hit by availability, mergers and variously-named memorandum measures and will not put up with the dismantling of National Health System structures under the pretext of 'reforms'," said OENGE President Dimitris Varnavas.

OENGE's Executive Secretariat is to meet on Thursday to decide whether it will participate in a 48-hour strike called by ADEDY on March 19-20.

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