USA: A.Panagopoulos is still missing

The hospitalsofNew York,which accommodate injured from yesterdays' big explosion in Harlem, don't have on their lists the name Andreas Panagopoulos.
USA: A.Panagopoulos is still missing

The information that the missing 42 – years - old Greek man, was spotted in the city hospital has not been confirmed, and his family fears the worst.

When his wife Lisbeth Perez heard the news that her husband Panagopoulos is hospitalized in the city hospital, he rushed to the point, only to know that his name was not on the list.

Andreas Panagopoulos lives on the 2nd floor of the building that had collapsed yesterday. According to police, at least nine people are missing since the time of explosion.


Latest information says that 7 people are dead and more than 70 injured. According to the police, the explosion that occurred yesterday in Harlem, New York City, was due to a gas leak.

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