Samaras to meet with Education Minister Arvanitopoulos on Monday

Minister of Education, K. Arvanitopoulos will have a meeting with Prime Minister, today, in order to decide the future of the 212 teachers who are suspended and face the risk of dismissal.
Samaras to meet with Education Minister Arvanitopoulos on Monday

In the afternoon Mr. Arvanitopoulos will inform the teachers about the decision taken by the Pirme Minister.

The General Meeting of Presidents of ELME decided today a three-hour strike (from 11.00 to 14.00 for the morning shift and from 14.00 to 17.00 for the afternoon shift) and as well a concentration at Kathmonos sq. at 14.00.

In the evening they will gather outside the Ministry of Education, while Mr. Arvanitopoulos will have a meeting with representatives of suspended teachers.

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