KKE on the government-troika agreement

Opposition Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on Tuesday commented on the prime minister's statements and the agreement reached between the government and the troika of the country's lenders, noting that the latter "bears the seal of the capital holders, who will have access to cheap labour and tools for the annihilation of small businesses".

"Even if memorandums, as we know them, end, the anti-popular policy will continue through the supervision and monitoring mechanisms set up by the EU," KKE underlined according to ANA-MPA

"The breadcrumbs, from the blood-soaked primary surplus that will be distributed to the extremely poor, are aimed at beautifying the a policy that in the years to come will create even more poor and extremely poor," KKE underlined.

The KKE announcement also referred to "traps set by certain anti-memorandum forces, main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) in particular, that support the EU and swear by the name of capitalist recovery and competitiveness, in effect, accepting the causes of the anti-popular memorandums".