Tsipras criticises agreement with troika

rime Minister Antonis Samaras "tried meticulously but unsuccessfully to hide the content of the agreement that will lead Greece into a new memorandum that they plan to impose on us after the European Parliament elections," main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday.

Tsipras criticises agreement with troika

Responding to a long-sought agreement between the government and Greece's troika of lenders that will open the way to the disbursement of the next loan tranche, Tsipras said that "the government kept its promises, but unilaterally - to the troika alone." He added that "the agreement Samaras is crowing about" will result in bringing more layoffs in both public and private sectors and permanent poverty to workers and the self-employed according to ANA-MPA

"With this agreement, Samaras has become permanently identified with the memorandum. Specifically, he is the memorandum. The Greek people will exit the memorandum only when they send (the memorandum's) government to the dustbin of history," he added.

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