Greek laser conservation technique for Acropolis monuments

Greece's innovative technique of using lasers to clean the surface of antique marble will be presented at six US universities from March 24 to April 4 by the scientific teams using them on the restoration of the Acropolis monuments.
Greek laser conservation technique for Acropolis monuments

The presentations will be made by the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser at the Foundation for Research and Technology (IESL-FORTH) and the Acropolis Monuments Restoration Service (YSMA) and funded by the Onassis Foundation's University Seminars Programme according to ANA-MPA

A cycle of six lectures entitled «The Acropolis Restoration Project and the Laser Application» will be presented at the relevant departments of the universities of Columbia, Yale, Pennsylvania, Boston, Delaware and Stony Brook.

The lectures will be delivered by YSMA head Vassiliki Eleftheriou and IESL-FORTH scientist Dimitrio Agglo, also University of Crete associate professor in chemistry. The aim of the seminars is to present the long restoration project of the Acropolis and the emergence of laser cleaning technique which has been applied daily over the last 12 years to its monument and sculptures.

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