Adonis blames the people

The Minister of Health, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis blamed the Greek people, for the series of ills which the country suffers, from bankruptcy until the deaths from the flu virus.

Adonis blames the people

The appearance of the Minister of Health to show Nick Chatzinikolaou 'singular', again confirmed his commitment to austerity policy troika, seeing only the notorious primary surplus and ignoring the destruction of the Greek health system, the huge mass of unemployed and uninsured, the increase in suicides, the reappearance of infectious diseases.

He even seemed to have double standards for the Greek people. On the one hand, the success of the country and the "departure from the memorandum era" as he said, due to ND - PASOK government, and not due to the bloody sacrifices of the Greek people. But when asked about the bankruptcy of the country, supports (as Theodoros Pangalos did), that "we all ate, but we did not eat the same". According to Mr. Georgiadis, the leadership might have the major responsibility; however, "there are no irresponsible people in democracies. We were all responsible. Naturally, more responsible was the leadership and less the underneath. This country was under mayhem. This is the reality. So the people have the responsibility".

Regarding the primary surplus and the state of Greek debt, Mr. Georgiadis tried to "balance". About Mr. Venizelos's obeisance to the lenders when said that the debt is sustainable, Mr. Georgiadis tried to cover him, while Mr. Samaras spoke for negotiation.

Mr. Georgiadis tried to cover his contradictions as follows: claimed that shortly before May, when Eurostat officially announce the primary surplus, will emerge a European institution, and will announce that will start the trading on the "haircut" of the debt.

After Mr. Georgiadis gave the credit to the government, the discussion turned to health. For the increase in the participation of the insured to 25-30%, in the indemnified drugs, the Health Minister said that there should be, because the participation remains the lowest in the European Union, rather forgetting the "prices of Samaras". "But in different amount of salaries" noted interlocutor, remark in which the Minister of Health did not respond.

Concerning the shortages in hospitals or to medical and health personnel or to materials necessary, Mr. Georgiadis pointed to the findings, attributing responsibility for the situation in the bankruptcy of the country. About the polyclinics of RPHL, supposedly opening on Thursday in full operation, Health Minister revealed that this means the prescription of drugs ... and not conducting laboratory tests, as happened before in many polyclinics of EOPYY.

As for the unprecedented number of deaths from influenza virus, Mr. Georgiadis again putted the blame on people who did not get vaccinated.

This was the answer to the President of the Medical Association of Athens, Giorgos Patoulis, who called him to answer why we had so many deaths in Greece than in other European countries that have twice the population.

Mr. Patoulis also stressed that "the issue of health is very serious as ever in our country, because rationalization should be done but it has its limits. Instead the Minister of Health to raise these limits, applauds the troika and Mr. Thomsen", he said.

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