Photos from the possible debris of Malaysia Airlines aircraft

Photos from the objects identified by the satellite, which are possibly the debris of the missing plane, were published today.

Photos from the possible debris of Malaysia Airlines aircraft

According to the announcement of the Minister of Transport of Malaysia, satellites detected 122 objects that might belong to Malaysian Airlines Boeing.

Minister of Tranport, Hishammuddin Hussein said to a press conference that 122 objects were identified by a French satellite, in an area of about 154 square miles in the southern Indian Ocean, 2,500 km southwest of Perth, Australia, were investigations continue today.

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As international media reported objects had a length up to 23 meters and the texture of them is some solid material.

According to information from the photographs of the French Company Airbus Defense have a date of March 23 and it's quite likely that they are related to the lost plane.


Since one week ago, possible debris in the Indian Ocean are identified, but this time the those findings are more reliable.

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