Crossing the Corinth Canal by airplane (photos)

Péter Besenyei, the initiator of the Red Bull Air Race championship, crossed the 6.4 km long Canal of Corinth with a plane succesing a unique feat. The risky flight of precision from the experienced pilot, took place Wednesday morning, March 26, 2014.

The weather favored the project that lasted 20 minutes. The specially designed airplane, a Extra 300S D-EFBY powered with 300+ hp, weighing about 608 kg, lengthen 6.6 meters and with a wingspan of 8 meters, passed through the walls of the Canal. The daring attempt included great technical difficulties, even for an experienced pilot who has "written" thousands of hours of flight. At the same time, the sight was breathtaking.

After crossing Isthmus with precision, he gradually raised the degree of difficulty performing multiple aerial tricks and risky maneuvers that seemed unthinkable because of the limited space between the walls of the Canal. The Hungarian pilot then performed a passage beneath the old bridge of Corinth and followed with a sharp elevation in the sky and a vertical descent through the Isthmus. Besenyei finished impressively with two loops around the bridge sewage. He said: "A dream came true. The Corinth Canal, a historic part of Greece, was a challenge for me for a long time. I feel great to be here in this magical country full of rich history and especially enjoyed this unique experience".