Russia: Boosts its military force in Crimea

The intention of Moscow to strengthen its military presence on the peninsula of Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine, was revealed by the Russian news agency Interfax, which citied a source within the Defense Ministry, without naming it.

The plan includes use of a Russian long-range bomber aircraft Tupolev Tu-22M3 in the region, from 2016, as well as fighter and surveillance aircrafts. Also submarines will be placed, while in 2017 Russia wants to add a helicopter carrier ship in the region. "The need for these aircraft to operate in the south has always existed, but up to know there was no chance" the officer of the Russian Defense Ministry told Interfax.

At the same time, Ukrainians soldiers and their families leave the Crimean peninsula, without their weapons, and according to statements by officials, about half of Ukrainian soldiers in Crimea defected to the ranks of the Russian army. Recall that Crimea became part of Russia after a referendum held in the region, which approved (overwhelmingly) annexation to the Russian Federation. The annexation sparked the most serious crisis between Russia and the West since the Cold War.