Stournaras: Greece returns to markets

Greece will regain access to international capital markets in the next two months (May, June) with a three- or five-year bond issue, Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras said on Tuesday.

Stournaras: Greece returns to markets

Speaking to reporters, the Greek Finance minister said “we will make an effort with small issues in the first half”, adding that the money to be raised – in combination with a primary surplus, a repos sale by government agencies, privatisation proceeds and the aid loans - will fully cover the country’s financing needs for the next 12 months according to ANA-MPA

Finance ministry officials said the fact that the country’s financing needs were fully covered for the next 12 months – as clearly stated in a Eurogroup statement- offered the opportunity to IMF to disburse its own part of the aid loan (around 3.4 billion euros) in April, while it would also help a discussion, from June onwards. on a European level over reducing the country’s debt burden.

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