They want to give pensioners half of their pension in advance

The advance of a portion of the pension before Easter, examines the administration of the IKA, but has not taken a final decision.

The issue will be considered again next week, and estimate that will affect the schedule of the other insurance carriers as well.

According to this scenario, "half" of pension amount will be probably paid on the Holy Monday or Holy Tuesday, while the remaining amount will be paid normally on April 29.

Namely, a pensioner of IKA who gets 600 per month, he will take 300 Euros a fortnight earlier than the expected date of payment and the remaining amount normally at the end of the month, according to a report in the newspaper "Ethnos".

Note that the scenario examined in IKA was to advance the entire pension, but it is estimated to be difficult. So, they now sought alternative formula, with no final decision yet.

Speaking at the "Nation" deputy director of the IKA, Mr. Kostas Papathanasiou told that: "we are considering the possibility to give a part of a pension before the Easter holidays in order to strengthen the purchasing power of pensioners and market liquidity. We have already taken the necessary steps so that next week to be ready to announce our final decisions. "