Tsipras sees a "Samaras Gate" in Greek politics

Main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) leader Alexis Tsipras, addressing a pre-election rally at the "I. Vellidis" convention centre in Thessaloniki, said on Monday that "there is no Baltakos Gate, there is a Samaras Gate," alluding to the scandal involving a publicised discussion between former government general secretary Panagiotis Baltakos and an MP of ultra-right Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi) party.

According to Tsipras, the country is ruled by a "far-right sect," terming the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras as "dangerous" for democracy and normalcy, suggesting PASOK party leader Evangelos Venizelos is "playing a leading role in a comedy" accordng to ANA-MPA

The SYRIZA leader wondered whether there is any Greek who believes that Baltakos did what he did without the prime minister's prior knowledge.

He called on Samaras "to stop hiding and come to Parliament to provide explanations". Tsipras believes Samaras knew "and he favoured what his friend and associate was doing". He went on to argue, that "if Baltakos is the natural instigator of the conspiracy against democracy, Mr. Samaras is the moral instigator. And this alone would be enough for him to be characterised dangerous for democracy."