24h strike on Wednesday

The Panhellenic Seamen's Federation (PNO) on Monday announced it will participate in the 24-hour general strike called by the private sector umbrella trade union GSEE for Wednesday April the 9th, disrupting scheduled ship voyages.

The decision followed lengthy talks between PNO's management and a delegation from the Association of Passenger Shipping Companies (SEEN) on the signature of new collective labour agreements for seamen on passenger vessels, after the previous ones expired at the end of 2013. However they did not reach an agreement according to ANA-MPA

"The 24-hour strike of April 9 is the next step in the seamens' struggle with the shipowners and the government, who pursue the infringement of their fundamental rights to strike and the collective labour agreements", according to a mutual announcement by a number of seamen unions.

Τhe Port Employees Federation of Greece (OMYLE) and the Dockworkers' Union-Port of Piraeus launch labour actions as of Monday against the privatisation of ports.

Journalists and mass-media employees will participate in the general strike a day earlier, through a 24-hour strike starting on Tuesday at 6:00 am, demanding the signing of new collective labour agreements. They also demand an increase in unemployment allowance and the return of social security funds' reserves that were severly eroded by PSI.

Judicial and correctional employees have also decided to participate in Wednesday's general strike, with the courts and prisons all over Greece to operate only with emergency personnel. According to the Federation of Correctional Employees (OSYE), relatives of convicts and their attorneys will not be able to visit them on Wednesday, while prisons will also not transport or accept new inmates.