Antonis Samaras: Greece will not need a new fiscal programme

Greece will not need a new fiscal programme, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said on Friday at a joint press conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday, at the Maximos Mansion government headquarters.

"Greece will not need a new fiscal programme, it has succeeded," the premier said. Addressing Merkel, he said "things have changed greatly since I first visited Berlin in August 2012 and since you visited (Greece) in October 2012. I had said at the time that Greeks have the ability and power to succeed. With the sacrifices of the Greek people and the solidarity of our European partners, we are now facing a different fate. Today is a new day, Greece has succeeded."

Samaras said that he discussed with Merkel the progress of the Greek economy, especially the country's re-emergence in global markets, and the fact the target was more than covered by the offers according to ana-mpa. "Efforts are continuing and the reforms will be completed," the premier said. "Greece is entering a recovery. Two things are important - that development be strengthened and that the primary surpluses be safeguarded so that injustices are repaired as quickly as possible. Two days ago we had the results of December-January, based on Eurostat, showing that unemployment is dropping for the first time."