Bob Traa: Business in the ruins of the Greek economy?

Amid rampant rumors about secret rendezvous in the northern suburbs, the former governor of the IMF in Greece Bob Traa, reportedly has returned to the "crime scene" to make business on the ruins of the Greek economy.

According to sources cited by the newspaper "Dimokratia", Mr. Traa returns in political and business circles of the country, trying to promote the interests of multinational third countries without bearing anymore the institutional mantle of IMF.

Bob Traa, who visited our country the holy days of Easter, had dinners at famous restaurants of the Palaio Psihiko, along with representatives of the business and banking elite. Indeed, reportedly has already informed channels of multinational companies that can act as an intermediary or financial advisor, to serve their interests, while the Greek economy and society falter.

More specifically, reportedly he has approached lawyers and entrepreneurs around Kolonaki square, who were his 'customers' during his sovereignty in the country, note the article. In this context he meets with his contacts to the Privatization Fund, in order to promote companies who want to have a role in the privatization of Greek companies and public property.

It is also known the interest that he was shown for the privatization of Kassiopi in Corfu, as had lobbied and finally achieved an agreement with a U.S. company for the acquisition of the land area. The same allegedly were his movements in a number of other tourist properties that were in the process of privatization. It is said that interventions as intermediary of European and American majors real estate, were so provocative that he did not hesitate to ask a former minister to mediate for a Dutch consultancy agency to take the work of reorganization of Greek public sector.

It is worth noting that Mr. Traa was the rapporteur for many dramatic changes in the labor market, such as reducing the minimum wage and reducing the dismissal amount, in order to prepare the ground for the upcoming " invasion" of foreign interests, that - as disclosed now- he represents.