Amphipolis: The fourth gate "unlocks" the puzzle

The cautious moves of the archaeologists who hope that will find evidence that will reveal the identity of the dead - The probability for 5th chamber is open

Step by step archaeologists reach to the interior of the unique funerary monument of Amphipolis.

The fourth in the series gate has almost half the height of the foregoing, ie is a little less than one meter, while all others are 1.68m.

It is surprising the fact that the constructors of the tomb did not built a majestic entrance to the next section, as in previous chambers, but a small entrance without statues.

What is the secret of the small gate? In any case, the revelation that there is a fourth chamber at the monument of Amphipolis creates expectations that perhaps there is a "burial chamber" and answers for the identity of the "occupant" of the tomb.

Three elements make up the new riddle: The big height of the third chamber, the small and eccentric entrance (compared with the previous three entrances) and mostly that there is no hole in the fourth wall, but only some detached blocks, probably from natural causes .

But why this entrance is narrow, as like leading to a crypt? Why is positioned to the left and not in line with the first three? How tall is it, considering the fact that the floor of the third chamber is lower than the others? Of course, the main question about the gate that was found in the fourth (or "Yellow") wall is what hides behind it and where it leads. It is not impossible that, passing through this narrow passage, the archaeologists to find the "key" to decode the tomb of Amphipolis.

The archaeologists proceed with caution and the "depth measuring" of the third chamber took place manually. Proceeding cm to cm, the length of the tool exhausted, without finding something other than soil.

This confirms the view that the new chamber is underground and is height of at least 7 meters.

However, archaeologists do not exclude that there is a fifth chamber.

We just have to wait patiently until this exquisite monument reveals all its secrets.