"Henry Dunant" Hospital: The "scandal" of the decade... with donation of the government

The coalition government of PASOK - ND seems that participated in an unprecedented fraud against the public interest, public health and the patients.

Enormous responsibilities of the Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, the current Minister of Health, Maki Voridis, and its predecessor, Adonis Georgiadis.

On Wednesday, September 24 was conducted the auction of the hospital "Henry Dunant". The company "HEMITHEA SA" appeared at the last minute and offered 115 million euros to prevail in the auction.

The "HEMITHEA SA" is reportedly a company of Piraeus Bank Group interests, according to reports in the print and electronic media. Piraeus Bank is the main creditor of the hospital, with loans worth 90 million euros. Having proceeded to take possession of the building and moved to an auction, (note that last March, was signed a memorandum of cooperation between the Greek Red Cross, "Henry Dunant"Hospital, Piraeus Bank and the Ministry of Health), took over the entire hospital, in a scandalous price, even free of debts !

Health Minister, Makis Voridis, few days earlier, passed an amendment, to an unrelated bill for hydrocarbon exploration and production, which provided that in case of forced sale of assets of private nursing facility or a private clinic as a business or of all assets, regardless of its legal form, shall be transferred automatically (together with the above), to the highest bidder, the official authorization to establish and operate a private clinic that belongs to any seizure or associated with transferred assets, if the new entity meets the prescribed legal requirements.

So, Mr. Voridis ensured that Piraeus Bank will take -except from the buildings and equipment-, the operation license of the hospital.

The "scandal Dunant" has become a pilot case for the privatization of public hospitals and the final result will be that the majority of public hospitals will pass into private hands, just like ... the Germans and their domestic partners are planning for years...

The newsbomb.gr will shed light on all aspects of the case, with continuous revealing posts, which will thrill and cause the intervention of Justice...