They "gave" "Henry Dunant" Hospital in a former real estate company of the Piraeus Banκ

Is this possible, a company that operates since 2005 in Greece as Touristic, Real Estate and Developmental Company to be renamed overnight, changing its character in... Health provider and proceed to the acquisition, through an auction, of an entire hospital?

They "gave" "Henry Dunant" Hospital in a former real estate company of the Piraeus Banκ

In Greece, during the reign of governance of Antonis Samaras and Evangelos Venizelos, in the era of the "sovereignty" of the country by Merkel and the IMF, yes, this is possible...

A company which was incorporated on 08.09.2005, the «New Evolution Real Estate and Developmental SA", was amended, - according to information of - in "HEMITHEA SA" on 09/19/2014. Five days later, a representative of the company appeared with a check of 115 million Euros in the auction for the Hospital "Henry Dunant", five minutes before the completion time and acquired the Hospital.

The first stature of the company, "New Section Evolution AE", was drawn up with the no. 7017 / 8.9.2005 practice of the notary of Piraeus, Stefanos Vasilakis.

Remember the name of the notary, because the coincidences that one finds in this case can even be described as ... diabolical.

You see, in the office of Mr. Vasilakis in Piraeus, was held (on September 24) the auction of the "Henry Dunant" Hospital.

The company «New Evolution AE» appears as a member of Piraeus Bank Group and according to information the share capital of the company until 19.09.2014 amounted to 60,000 Euros.

There are many questions about the way, in which a new company (HEMITHEA SA), that allegedly is the "descendant" of the "New Evolution SA", appeared with a check of 115 million Euros and bought the "Henry Dunant" Hospital.

It will be quite interesting, the outcome of an intervention by the prosecuting authorities to investigate all aspects of this case, as the coincidences cease to be coincidences when the data indicate that there is something wrong in this story.

Because, the involvement of the government in this case, it is a matter that should be investigated by the authorities. The way in which the government was involved in an auction process, by legislating few days before the auction takes place, to ensure the grant of the operation license, and the mark of the hospital to the highest bidder, needs to be clarified.

The fact that a bank that had lent amounts of over 90 million Euros to the Hospital, came into possession of Piraeus Bank, which seems that -through the "HEMITHEA SA", former "New Evolution SA"-, buys the hospital with only 115 million Euros, should also be investigated by the authorities.

Should also be clarified by the authorities, why the auction did not stop when the claims of Piraeus Bank had been covered, ie the amount of 60 million Euros that was covered by the value of the building of the hospital, but also included the intangible materials, the operation license, the brand and the building next to the hospital.

All the findings will come to the light through the revealing exploration of, for the biggest scandal that has happened in Greece in recent years, with the blessing of the government of Samaras to Piraeus Bank and to the detriment of the health of the Greeks, and the 1,040 employees of the hospital who know that sooner or later you will experience the application of the special memorandum that has long been signed and provides drastic reductions in operating costs and cut labor costs by 50%.

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