Amphipolis: The third gate of the Tomb is plain

Day by day emerges the entry of the third chamber. According the data available so far it does not have any embossed decorative element.

Amphipolis: The third gate of the Tomb is plain

What matters right now is the entrance of the archaeologists in the third chamber of the tomb so he can reveal its "secrets". They hope that even today or tomorrow at the latest it will be possible to work in the next chamber, according to "Ethnos" newspaper.
When will they enter in the third chamber?

They worked intensively all weekend in the excavation of Amphipolis, to proceed as quickly as possible to the removal of the soil in the second chamber. This issue is of particular importance, since, as has been announced by the excavation team, they will enter in the third chamber through the doorway that is in the third internal wall. This doorway is revealed slowly and we all hope that today, or tomorrow at the latest, it will be possible for the archaeologists to work in the next chamber.

Through the weekend the amount of the soil in front of the internal wall came down significantly. The aim was to reach the half. Then they should stop the removal of the soil, because they must start to remove the soil in the next chamber, in order to share the load and not to collapse. Since the passage will be cleared, they will start the supporting works on the third chamber.

Meanwhile, the entire first chamber, which is located just behind the sphinxes has been released from sand. The marble floor which was revealed has been covered with a special material, in order to not be damaged by the passing of the members of the crew and the transported soil. It will stay covered until the end of the excavation, since at present it has no secret to reveal to archaeologists (sometimes the mosaic floors have scenes, which may have something related to the life of the deceased).

The pedestal of Caryatids did not reveal anything new

By uncovering the pedestal of Caryatids, the archaeologists have not learned something new. They confirmed what they already knew, ie that for the construction of the tomb has been used high quality marble, but did not find anything that would help them further in dating.

The doorway of the third chamber has started emerging. This is also made of excellent material, but so far has not been shown to have some embossed ornament on it. The marble walls of the second chamber seem to be also plain.

They all hope that if in the coming days ensure the proper support of the third chamber, whose dome is "in a state of limit equilibrium" according to the Ministry of Culture, will soon detect the key features of the third chamber. The excavators will finally see what is on the side of the fourth doorway if it is a ladder or ramp.

In Amphipolis is buried Nearchos or another admiral of Alexander the Great

The American radio station «npr» hosts the statements of the famous historian of the University of Oxford, Robin Lane Fox, who is considered an expert to Macedonian period.

He suggests the tomb might belong to a top admiral in Alexander's empire-expanding Macedonian army, someone such as Nearchus, Alexander's best friend since childhood.

Fox cites the work of Plutarch's "Life of Alexander" and a reference which is made to the Corinthian Demaratos buried in a private tomb resembling of that of Amphipolis (especially in size).

"So my suspicion is that this is a very high-ranking companion in Alexander's former army, who has returned back or has been returned back as a body to his home in Amphipolis," he says.

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