Amphipolis: Everyone talks about Persephone and her secret

Awe and admiration globally for the mosaic found in the third chamber, while Mrs. Peristeris stresses that it is still early to come to firm conclusions about the identity of the dead in the majestic monument.

Persephone is dressed in a white pleated tunic with red thin ribbon on the chest, she has auburn waving hair, and her left hand -with jewelry in her wrist - is raised upwards, in the colorful mosaic which was found in Amphipolis.

This mosaic floor (found for the first time in a Macedonian tomb), of 15 sqm, illustrating in detail the agony of the young woman at the time of her abduction by Pluto, who leads her to the underworld, and the god Hermes as psychopompos be ahead.

The disclosure of the entire mosaic floor, confirms that this is a unique funerary monument, which as was pointed from top archaeologists indicates wealth, sophistication, culture; together with prior findings (Caryatids, Sphinxes, precinct) indicate a highly expensive, majestic construction. Maybe "a costly public contracting" as others have speculated.
The scene refers to the corresponding abduction of Persephone in the royal cemetery at Vergina even though that one is in mural, while is not impossible to be associated with the Macedonian House.

Everybody are extolling the richness of color, the masterful execution of the design, especially the third dimension in the mosaic, in the figure of psychopomp and young Persephone.

For protection reasons, the floor will be covered with Styrofoam sheets, wood paneling and an extra wooden floor for access for fourth chamber.
"We have another unique feature in previous unique features such as caryatids and Sphinxes" said the secretary general of the Ministry of Culture Mrs. Mendoni, explaining that the repetition of the word "unique" is not wrong. And if she uses this word frequently in recent days is because the findings indicate "the uniqueness of this monument, in which we have a crescendo."

At the press conference in Amphipolis when asked about the connection of the theme of the abduction of Persephone, with Temenid dynasty, Mrs. Mendoni reminded that we find the scene of the abduction in the so-called mural tomb of Persephone, in the royal cemetery at Vergina.

"We have a second depiction with Pluto and Persephone, in sacred marriage scene, in the backrest of the marble throne in the tomb of Eurydice, mother of Philip, in Aegae. The scenes are linked with the cults of the Underworld, with the Orphic cult - the descent in Hades - and the Dionysian rites. The Head of the house of Macedon was the archpriest of these cults. I remind you of the recent research of the National Center of Scientific Research "Demokritos" in the residues of the mask found in the remains of bones of Philip. According to experts was the mask, which he wore Philip in Orphic rites. Therefore, the scene in our case has symbolic importance, which may indicate a relationship of the "occupier" of the tomb with the Macedonian House. The political symbolism is very strong in all periods."

The head of the excavations, Mrs. Peristeris, stressed that "without doubt the dead was very important." She said that in the excavation was found mobile artifacts, 'pottery, nails, etc.," but" we cannot put them all in a press release". When asked how much time is still needed, she explained: "We do not build a house. The excavation leads us. Anything we say is relevant."

As for whether there is a fourth chamber or crypt, the archaeologist who led the excavation did not give a clear answer:
"We are quite high. Assumptions can be made. We will know after the excavation of the third chamber."
The same, however, stressed that it is still early for speculation by saying: "We cannot say anything if we do not finish the excavation. It is very important. The significance of the monument rises with the mosaic which was first found in a funerary monument."

As for the damage that has been in the mosaic, the answer of Mrs. Peristeris was puzzling:
"There is no logic. But it seems that there is no natural damage."

On the issue of building the Museum of Serres, the General Secretary of Ministry of Culture made ​​clear that the findings will stay there, that was never raised an issue of transport and reminded the minister's policy to "returned the findings - even from earlier excavations - in the place where they were found".

As for the dating of the tomb with a sample that would be sent by geologist in Switzerland, Mrs. Mendoni argued that "we cannot dating the grave, from that sample", while she stressed that: "These analyses will allow knowing the exact composition and how the land created, to dating the sediments. Any dating can be derived from geological type analyses, results to dating of million of years. They are completely different data from the historical, archaeological dating."
The foreign press expresses its admiration for the mosaic. Discovery News, which follows and covers almost daily the excavations, had Amphipolis on the front page.

“Surprise! Amphipolis Mosaic Shows a Goddess Going to Hell”, is the title of the NBC News. “A newly revealed mosaic on the floor of a vast Greek tomb shows Hades hauling his reluctant bride Persephone to the underworld, archaeologists announced Thursday. When the artwork was first uncovered a few days ago, excavators could only see part of the scene. The mosaic seemed to show Hermes, the Greek messenger God and son of Zeus, in a broad-brimmed hat, leading a horsedrawn chariot with a bearded man in tow. But when more dirt was removed, a third figure came into view: a woman stretching her arm out in distress. Archaeologists with the Greek Ministry of Culture say it's now clear the mosaic depicts a famous scene from Greek mythology: the abduction of Persephone, sometimes called the rape of Persephone” the article continues.

Queen of the Underworld's Abduction Revealed in Ancient Greek Mosaic writes Livescience, while AFP reported that "the impressive Greek mosaic discovered in the tomb of the era of Alexander the Great depicts the myth of the abduction of Persephone, daughter of Zeus who became queen of the Underworld."

The Abduction of Persephone by Pluto, was discussed in the European Council held in Milan.

During the Summit, the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras opened the tablet and showed the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the stunning scene in the mosaic discovered in the Tomb.

According to reports, Mrs. Merkel impressed by the mosaic and was particularly interested in the excavation, expressing her question about the identity of the dead. A question that puzzles everyone...