Pistorius: Five years in prison for the murder of Riva Steenkamp

Five years imprisonment was imposed by the judge Thokozile Masipa to the former athlete Oscar Pistorius for the murder of his girlfriend Riva Steenkamp.

Furthermore, according to the BBC, the judge imposed a three-year suspended sentence to Pistorius for gun possession.

Pistorius was wiping his eyes after the announcement of the sentence.


The court held that the defendant did not intend to kill anyone, but acted irrationally and casually, knowing that someone is in the bathroom with limited space for moves, when he shot.

Judge Thokozile Masipa stated that the decision on sentencing would be "mine and mine alone."

She pointed out that she relied on an assessment of elements including the nature and seriousness of the crime, the personal circumstances of the accused and the interests of society. Judge Masipa said she considered her sentence "fair and just, both to society and to the accused".

On September 12th, Oscar Pistorius was judged guilty of murder by negligence and not premeditated.
Prosecution had asked the 27 year old athlete to be sentenced to 10 years in prison, arguing that it was 'the minimum sentence that would satisfy society'. 'It is a serious case of negligence, marginally close to intention, ten years is the minimum', said the prosecutor Jerry Nell.