How the head of the Sphinx was found 12 meters away from the body (pics)

Were the Caryatids and the Sphinxes made by different craftsmen? - How many dead are buried in the tomb? - "There is the danger that the tomb of Amphipolis is empty"

While everything indicate that we are a "breath" before the discovery of the great secret hidden in the tomb of Amphipolis, archaeologists are faced with new puzzles.

Why the head of the Sphinx was found 12 meters away from the body? How many dead are entombed in the grave? How possible is the risk that there is nothing inside the grave?

These are questions that we are waiting to be answered by archaeologists, who, however, refer to a unique funerary monument of unparalleled beauty.
Were the Caryatids and the Sphinxes made by different craftsmen?

After the new finding, the head of a sphinx and a careful study, the archaeologists who are working on the excavation believe that sphinxes and caryatids are not made by the same craftsman.

This is because as scientists believe, the Sphinxes is different, of a special and most exquisite art than what the Caryatids.

Apart from the stunning depiction of the facial features of the Sphinxes and the different depiction style of Caryatids, the caryatids were carved on a monolithic piece of marble, which was carved in situ, while Sphinxes were made of different pieces (body, head, wings) and possibly from other quality marble.

Archaeologists speculate, in fact, that the Sphinxes is a work of craftsmen in Attica's workshops.

"There is the danger that the tomb of Amphipolis is empty"

The idea that the robbers damaged the tomb was expressed by Professor of Archaeology, P. Themelis commenting on the new, impressive finds.

"It is clear that they break the head and they threw it in the other corner", said Mr. Themelis in MEGA and added that: "unfortunately the tomb has been violated."

At the same time, the Professor of Archaeology proceeded to "bomb" statement claiming that the monument "as an architectural object is important," but "there is a risk that there is nothing in it" and expressed his desire, at least to found frescoes in the tomb, which would be "important elements".

Mr. Themelis expressed his concern for the broken door of the entry saying "this marble door, which closed tightly the burial chamber, is decorated nicely and was found broken, they found pieces of the door and stick them now and they are doing very well. But who opened it? Who broke it? ".

As he noted, many tombs were violated after the burials, since they knew that there were treasures inside, but that does not diminish its value.
How the head of the Sphinx found within 12 meters from the entrance of the tomb

It was Tuesday afternoon (21/10/2014) when the excavation team was faced with a new surprise. The head of the Sphinx was detected between the soils of the third chamber.

However, the new question is why the head of the Sphinx was found inside the tomb at a distance of 12 meters from the entrance, hidden in the sand.
It is a finding that weighs about 100 kilos. The answer may be hiding in the grooves found in both head and body, which may reveal that the head had become detached from the rest of the body.