NOBACCO: The misunderstanding of the electronic cigarette

The company NOBACCO put the foundations for a dialogue with the state and scientific institutions on the electronic cigarette, during a press conference Tuesday, November 4, 2014, at a central Athens hotel.

With the aim to inform, eminent scientists and professors in cardiology, biochemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry, spoke about the latest research findings on the use of the electronic cigarette as a safe substitute of common cigarette.

"The electronic cigarette reduces the damage caused by the conventional cigarette and is directed to adult smokers and not to a new audience. The use of the electronic cigarette is a major challenge for public health", said Markos Markopoulos, CEO of NOBACCO company, analyzing the vision and mission of the company, noting that it should be adopted as part of an integrated, more hygienic management of dependency in nicotine.
The aim in accordance with the NOBACCO is the state to establish a modern regulatory framework, which is also a European Union directive, which should be completed by 2016.

"Every year we have five million deaths due to cigarette. It is a crime to be denied to the smokers the right to prefer vapor", commented Mr. Markopoulos.
Moreover, as mentioned during the press conference, the prospects of the particular market are characterized more than positive.
In 2013, the turnover of the electronic cigarette globally, reached $ 2.5 billion, in 2017 is expected to exceed 10 billion and by 2047 it is estimated that sales will generate more profit than those of the tobacco industry.

The scientific view on whether and how the electronic cigarette borne lung function, testified Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Andrew Papapetropoulos.

As explained briefly, in four days the effects of electronic cigarette in lung function almost disappear while with the conventional cigarette worsen.
Also, Mr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, cardiologist, researcher at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center and the Medical Imaging Research Center of the Hospital Gathuisberg in Leuven, Belgium, explained, that the traditional smoking cessation therapies have been shown to have unsatisfactory results, since 80% of smokers who use them, fail.

"Smokers have the right to choose a less harmful product. It is the duty of everyone to ensure the correct information to the public about this", he said.
Furthermore, he was reported extensively in the inaccuracies that at times disseminated about the electronic cigarette, indicating that the amounts of toxic ingredients which contains, is 10-1000 times smaller compared to the conventional.

Making special reference to heavy metals, stressed that, in any event, found in smaller quantities than permitted.
"All the studies show that the risk for the "vapers" of the electronic cigarette is only 5%, compared with smokers," he said.

According to interdisciplinary research, in fact, it is estimated that, if the 3% of smokers switch to electronic cigarettes, then is expected to be saved one million lives over time 20 years.

In the event was also attended the Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Thessaly, Mr. Dimitris Kouretas, who predicted that the leading and major tobacco companies will eventually enter to the market of electronic cigarette. Also, the Associate Professor of Biochemistry in Department of Pharmacy, in University of Patras, Mr. Constantinos Poulas, spoke for the cooperation with NOBACCO, noting that the goal is to search high quality raw materials, control and development of innovative liquid in order to produce quality replacement liquids.

At the event was presented the first Greek production scheme of liquids for electronic cigarette refill «Aquarius Project» in cooperation with the Department of Pharmacy in University of Patras. This new series of fluid replacements with the trademark «The Liquidom» will be released in a few days.
The cooperation of NOBACCO with the University of Patras is pioneering for the Greek facts and certifies the continued commitment of the company to continuously develop its products and to guarantee in practice the quality and safety.