Samaras: Greece will enter the post-memorandum era

Former EU Commissioner and former minister Stavros Dimas will be candidate for President of the Hellenic Republic in all three votes, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras announced on Tuesday (09/12/2014).

With the election of the President of the Republic, the situation will have cleared out and the country will enter the post-memorandum era, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said. In his message, Samaras explained the decision to speed up the process for the election of President as well as to appoint Dimas as candidate:

"The election of the President of the Republic has lately become a pretext for early elections blackmail. Therefore, while we were financially stable and we finally started to recover, clouds of political instability once again appeared in Greece along with political uncertainty for Greece abroad. The government, as it ought to do, decided to remove this uncertainty and fully restore political stability, speeding up the election of the President of the Republic!

Besides, the Eurogroup's decision on Monday to approve Greece's credit line and give a technical extension of two months for the conclusion of the new agreement shows that Europe is now realizing that Greece will get to the next day. And this is very positive for the country...

Therefore, with the election of the President by the Greek Parliament by the end of the month, the clouds will have gone away and the country will be ready to officially enter the post-memorandum era.

Together with the Government Vice President, we chose the best candidate for the Presidency of the Republic: Stavros Dimas, a former minister and MP, EU Commissioner, who has been honored with special distinctions, especially in the field of Environmental Protection, a man appreciated by the Greek society and respected by the international community and who obviously will be a candidate in the three presidential votes, if needed.

Stavros Dimas is admittedly a person that unites, but also inspires. He unites citizens beyond partisan preferences and inspires seriousness, trust and respect.

With the election of the new President, Greece - perfectly stable both economically and politically - will be in all respects ready to proceed to the next day; (the day) of calmness, stability and development."