Stavros Dimas: Who is who

Stavros Dimas was nominated from Antonis Samaras for president as a person that "unites and ispires".

Stavros Dimas, former EU commissioner and former minister, will be candidate for President of Hellenic Republic, in all three votes.
"He is widely regarded as a person who unites and inspires" said Greek prime minister, Antonis Samaras, in his televised address.

Stavros Dimas, has studied law and economics at the University of Athens and has a master's degree from New York University. He began his career working as a lawyer in Wall Street, moving to the World Bank. Returning to Greece in 1975 he became deputy governor of the Hellenic Industrial Development Bank.
From 1977 he has an active role in greek politics as a member of the conservative New Democracy party. He was elected ten consecutive times to the greek Parliament holding ministerial and other positions (deputy minister of economic coordination, trade minister, parliamentary spokesman, agriculture minister, minister of industry, energy and technology, secretary-general of New Democracy party, head of his party's delegation to the Council of Europe). He served in the Prodi Commission in EU, taking over the role from Anna Diamantopoulou and was nominated for the incoming Barroso Commission which took office on Nov 22 2004. Dimas' role as a commissioner for the environment from 2004 to 2010 was vital, promoting the view that preserving the environment and promoting competitiveness went hand by hand and environmental policy could provide a stimulus for innovation.

In July 2010, Stavros Dimas, was appointed by ND's president Antonis Samaras, vice-president of the party.

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