They terrorize the people with credit event and Grexit

Strong reactions for the statements of Voultepsis, Manolis Kefalogiannis and Hardouvelis.

They terrorize the people with credit event and Grexit

With an eye on the first ballot for the election of the President of the Republic, on the afternoon of Wednesday (17/12/2014), and the possible early elections that will follow if not elected president, the government raises the pressure.

Something that would be considered perfectly acceptable in the context of political conflict, if the agenda that attempts to impose would not jeopardize the country itself.

The crucial 48 hours before the first "battle" for the presidential election, the New Democracy, through its executives, sets the Grexit issue and the credit event for the country. Essentially, the government adopts the hazardous scenarios of the past two years, from specific rating agencies and foreign media, which Mr. Samaras condemned at every opportunity when he was speaking for «success story».

Therefore, according to that context, the MP of New Democracy, Kefalogiannis, claimed in an interview, that any blockage in the election of the President of the Republic may lead to a credit event.

"There is a risk for credit event if the country fails to elect President and go to elections. I do not wish that to happen", noted Mr. Kefalogiannis, adding that, in possible early elections there is a risk of new "bank run", and that people will take their money from the banks and will put them in their... pillows.

At the same time, the government spokesman, Sophia Vooltepsis speaking in MEGA, stressed that the country is threatened with credit event by international rating agencies in the event of early elections.

"We need all members to understand that there is no time for discussions. The country unfortunately is found again on the edge. We have been warned by the international rating agencies that early elections will be considered as a credit event for the country", said the government spokesman, citing the report of Moody's for the Greek economy.

Voutsis: the statements of Voultepsis, show political hooliganism

The statements of Mrs. Voultepsis caused the reaction of the MP of SYRIZA, Nikos Voutsis, who spoke for "political hooliganism".

Androulakis: the statement of Mrs. Voultepsis is careless and dangerous

The reaction of PASOK was immediate, and Nikos Androulakis characterize the statement of the government representative, careless and dangerous.
"Speaking for herself she can say whatever she wants, but speaking under the role of a government representative, this statement is careless and dangerous and we should be very careful next time, because it is an important period for the country we should all rise to the occasion", said Mr. Androulakis, speaking on ANT1.

Kouik: justice must intervene on Voultepsis statements

The MP of Independent Greeks, Terrence Kouik, asked the intervention of Justice, on the occasion of the statement of the government spokesman, Sophia Voultepsis, that early elections will be considered as a credit event.

In a posting on his Twitter Mr. Kouik wrote:

"When someone exercises overt terrorism, does the Justice must act ex officio, yes or no?"

Following the reactions to her statements, Mrs. Voultepsis made a clarifying statement.

Hardouvelis: GREXIT risk, if extreme voices prevail

Meanwhile, Finance Minister, Gikas Hardouvelis said (in an interview with "Naftemporiki), that: Grexit no longer exists in the antennas of our European partners, with the frequency and intensity that existed in 2011 and 2012, but "could be stimulated by Europe in the case that in Greece prevail extreme anti-European voices."

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