Samaras proposal of consensus to overcome the crisis

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in statements on Sunday put forward a proposal of consensus that includes a consensual election of President of Republic, broadening of the government and general elections until the end of 2015.
Samaras proposal of consensus to overcome the crisis

The prime minister said "The Greek people do not want early elections and they are right. On our part we act according to the Constitution and to the country's interest in order a president to be elected by the current parliament. Snap elections should not be held. The political uncertainty must end. Greece must proceed to the next day".

Samaras said that we can't finish with a period of uncertainty and immediately enter into another. The country's problems can't stagnate in a permanent pre-elections period. Neither can the orgy of ungrounded and despicable charges that are always wrong, of alleged bribery of MPs to continue and in the meanwhile to have poisoned our democracy. Charges, that unfortunately, the main opposition leader (Alexis Tsipras), his party's top cadres and his well known associate leader of a third party are the protagonists.

I must remind, said Samaras, that Mr.Tsipras two months ago had said the impossible, that any deputy that will dare to vote for President will be paid-for! Two days ago, deputies that cooperate with his party dared to say the same for the five independent deputies that voted Stavros Dimas for president in the first round of the presidential elections. But the deputies do not succumb to such a campaign of discredit. Fear and terror will not pass! And this is the democracy's wager today!

The prime minister called everyone to listen to the voice of their conscience, of their soul, to the voice of the national interest and of the common sense. He called them all to consent in the election of Stavros Dimas as president because that provides the constitutional requirement. It is extremely serious for the country's course to negotiate the new agreement that will shield Greece, after the end of the memorandum.

I still expect for the deputies support in order to proceed and to complete the revision of the Constitution in order very soon Greece to have the new Constitution it needs. The country must not be thrown into a new series of adventures and to postpone the revision for many years.

Moreover, said Samaras, after the presidential election we can broaden the government with the participation of more persons that believe in the European prospect of the country in order the next phase to find us more united.

Concluding, Samaras said what is a national obligation and what the common sense dictates is to complete the negotiation with our lenders and to complete the Constitutional revision in conditions of safety and calmness. Afterwards, he noted, when we are shielded economically and politically we can find the right time for national elections, even at the end of 2015, because under conditions of pre-elections polarisation only fools would believe that anyone could negotiate for the economy or revise the Constitution. That's what the voice of responsibility says to the Greek people.

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