SYRIZA leads over ND by 2.5 pct
Main opposition SYRIZA leads over ruling New Democracy (ND) with 2.5 percentage points, according to an opinion poll conducted by Interview for private TV Vergina .

Current prime minister Antonis Samaras is more suitable for prime minister said 41 percent of the respondents with SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras was preferred by 27 percent of those asked.
According to the poll results SYRIZA leads with 27.5 percentage points over New Democracy that follows with 25 percent, in the the third place is the Communist Party (KKE) with 5.2 percent, PASOK with 5.1 percent, Golden Dawn and To Potami with 4.5 percent, Independent Greeks with 1.8 percent and Democratic Left with 0.9 percent . 8 percent of the respondents said the will vote for another party and 10.5 percent did not answer.
Moreover, two days before the second round of the presidential elections, 59 pct has positive opinion for candidate Stavros Dimas and 30 pct negative.
