Car exploded while it was moving in Attiki Odos

A car which was trapped by a "turtle" explosive device, exploded early this morning Monday, December 29, in Attiki Odos, near the El. Venizelos, killing the 35-year old driver.

The driver of the car was an Albanian, who worked as a "bouncer" at a nightclub and - it seems - that the hit was for settling scores.

A 26-year old woman who was in the car, also Albanian, has been transferred to a hospital and she is in serious condition due to burns from the explosion.

According to police sources, the mechanism found in the car is called "turtle" and is adapted to the metal parts of the car. It seems that the device exploded shortly after the car started to move.
The blast caused a crater and there are objects in the roadway, so the traffic police diverted the traffic.

The car was completely destroyed, while the findings will be transferred for examination in the forensic laboratories of the Police.