George Papandreou’s plans

Driven by his ambition to become a key person of political developments, GAP will seek to appeal to bigger audiences and to the members of other centrist party formations, beyond the narrow limits of PASOK, focusing on drafting a progressive cooperation framework.

According to the associates of the former prime minister, in the coming days, George Papandreou will gradually announce his proposal to set up a national plan for negotiating with lenders, against the Memorandum.

This certainly seems highly paradox, because let's not forget that George Papandreou led the country in the mechanism of Troika without any negotiation with lenders and with dire consequences for the country.

Furthermore, as they say, will be announced a programmatic presentation of the party in an attempt to specialize many of the general references of former Prime Minister, in the event of January 3rd.

The executives of Papandreou's party, talk about the "need to build a country of creation and justice", pointing out that they are against of conservatism (of the right and of the left)" and say they will claim to express the forces of progress.

They deny that keep equal distances from ND and SYRIZA stressing that "Samara's party caused three major losses in the country from 2009 to today. First, the indebtedness, later, the double elections of 2012 for the whim of Samaras and last, the frivolous management for the exit of the country from the memorandum, that pushed the country to the rocks."

Referring to SYRIZA, they say that it adopts "conservative ideas and fosters transaction logic."

They said nothing about policy change
So far no one exorcises a possible coalition, in the aftermath of the elections, with the ND, and there is no hint for coalition with progressive forces such as SYRIZA. All that exists is the phrase: "progressive planning framework, which if is accepted by Samaras could lead to a new coalition.
This is a thorn for many, as they cannot accept that "Papandreou puts the Right and the Left in the same bag, after the painful experience from 2012 to today."
They also note that "there is no policy change, or at least a distinct dividing line from the excesses of the Memorandum and the neoliberal obsessions of lenders." They say that "he does not repudiate the policy which dismantled the country and the economy, and brought high unemployment and the undermining of institutions."

Of course, many executives of GAP deny that keep equidistant from the Right of Samaras and the Left of Tsipras, however, not clear if they have chosen this strategy, in order to take voters from other parties. In every case, the depth of the proposals announced in succession from the end of the week, will clear the landscape.

The pollsters find "observed rates of the public who wish to support the movement of Papandreou". These rates range between 4-7%. Polls show that under certain conditions, the party is expected to draw more forces and to be close to third place, nationwide.

The interpretation is that ultimately, the Movement of GAP will cut the possibility for a government of SYRIZA and therefore they appreciate that the systemic media will be gentle with him, treating him as a golden reserve, along with the River.
This does not follow from the facts so far, but if there is no clarification of positions, it will be possibly confirmed. Besides, Pollsters say, "whoever has the mandate to form the government will seek partners."

Compared with the results of the first measurements the Movement draws forces as follows:
• About 2% from THE RIVER
• About 1,5% from PASOK
• About 1.5% from SYRIZA
This poll has caused massive tension in Trikoupi and there were some targeted articles against the company's analyst Maria Karaklioumi, who during Papandreou's tenure, had served on the communications staff of PASOK.
Two valuable observations:
• Does the Movement of GAP outperform PASOK? The bet is to multiply the overall rates that had PASOK (4-5%) before GAP's party. "This will prove that Venizelos destroyed PASOK and that GAP gathers forces that were not exist near the Vice President of the government of Samaras", as they say those who know.
• The second footnote has to do with the substance of the policy proposal. "If he makes a specific proposal which will be more anti-memorandum, Papandreou will expect more profits from the Left and less from the Right", and opposite.

.Which party will win the third place in the elections of January 25? Golden Dawn or River? PASOK or George Papandreou?
The candidates

The whole mechanism is concerned almost exclusively with the establishment of ballots in order to promote the youth candidates against to, (the few in number), older executives.

As long as the older executives of PASOK stay out of ballots it is easier for Socrates Xynidis to find young people to establish the candidates list. Even those who have doubts are running as candidates knowing that the current uncertainty can lead back to the polls the latest by mid 2016. There, will arise the forced retirement of the "systemic old men."