SYRIZA's final proposal for the media

By Andreas PetropoulosThe proposal of SYRIZA for the media is a top priority reform that will put an end to the corruption system and to the relationship of the sinful triangle: Media - Banks - Political system.

The draft of SYRIZA first aims at ensuring transparency, pluralism and expression of various social interests in the media, so that they can seamlessly perform an informative, cultural and educational role and to be the "road map" for the new communications landscape, with strong supervisors, that will include the licensing process of private channels, but also the re-establishment of ERT.

The whole plan of the government of SYRIZA for the Media, which was discussed in the Permanent Conference of the party, contains the following three pillars:

1. To ensure the communication rights of citizens.

• Equal access to all available information sources.

• Practical validation of the right of citizens in the information society and the internet.

• Convergence of education and information society for all, especially for older ages.

• Fair and equitable treatment of all media. Restoring those affected. Protection of those at trial.

• Active combat to racism, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination based on gender, religion, sexual orientation etc., in the media, as well as disseminating false information.

• Protection of workers in the media in the exercise of their work by state interventions and arbitrariness of Media owners.

• Protection of children from harmful products of the Media.

• Supervisory mechanisms adequately staffed to monitor the proper operation of the Media.

2. Redrawing of the Media Charter, with interventions such as:

• Distinction between commercial - social Radio/Television with corresponding criteria.

• Support for regional broadcasters.

• Licensing of broadcasters from scratch in compliance with all legal requirements and strict criteria. The licenses will be acquired for five years and are removable from the ESR. Provision for licensing of television stations nationwide to non-commercial enterprises, such as social organizations and institutions.

• Purge of firms in difficulty in the Media and definitive treatment of the relationship with the state and banks.

• In the criteria for obtaining the license are included provisions whereby excluded the operators who: a) are not configured their debts to pension funds and employees, b) do not meet the projected labor and professional rights and c) do not respect the code of journalistic ethics.

• Transitional provisions for payment of the fees by the broadcasters, retroactively from 1995.

• Redesign of radiofrequencies and prediction that the provider of digital platform to not be the same with the content provider.

• New setting for the concentration of the media that meets the geographic and demographic data of Greece.

• Proper and lawful operation of the ESR.

• Re-establishment of the National Broadcasting.

3. Re-establishment of ERT on new foundations.

• We leave behind us a challenging act by proceeding directly to the reopening of public broadcasting, according to the rich experience gained since the unconstitutional "black" on 11 June 2013. we will immediately cancel: The government decision which abolished ERT, the subsequent law 4173 / 2013, the competitions and operations which are based on this.

• Ie, we will restore the entire ERT and re-employ all the unconstitutionally dismissed workers. Moreover, from the first moment, we will organize its operation to a new foundation, in order to become a truly public and democratic voice.

• To be pluralistic, independent, a vector control of power, independent from the government, political parties, the organized private financial interests, open to society, with a real opportunity of expression of the people.

In its program should reflect all political tendencies and ideological preferences, also in electoral periods, in order to ensure equal projection of parties, regardless of parliamentary power.

• To broadcast a quality and innovative program that enhances the cultural - educational level and the critical thinking of every citizen and give step to social groups with special attention to disadvantaged groups. To be the voice of Greece in the world.

• Be open to all cultural currents and to invest in culture by supporting especially the young artists.

• To operating with meritocracy and without mismanagement, opacity and wastage of public money.