FinMin Tsakalotos meets with French counterpart Sapin

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos pointed out the need for major structural changes in the state and the combating of corruption and tax evasion after his meeting on Friday (03/06/2016) with visiting French Finance Minister Michel Sapin.

According to Tsakalotos, if these are achieved we will have a different Greece that will be in a position to get into the foreign markets and growth will return. Moreover, there will be a feeling of justice that the benefits of growth will be allocated to everyone.

The Greek minister underlined that his discussion with Sapin focused on the new period and a growth agenda with social justice.

On his part, Sapin said he believes that a new period starts for Greece "I do not say that the difficulties are over. The effort must continue. We are now entering a new period, a period of financial growth, a period of investments with new job positions and this will be achieved through a modern economy, with a modern state in order for Greece to have the position it deserves in Europe an in the eurozone," he stated.

According to Sapin, last year's battle was for the benefit of Greece benefit as well as the benefit of Europe. "It was very important for Greece to remain in the EU, but this battle must continue," he said and added: "Greece must find now its position in Europe due to its culture and its geographical position. In a Europe that must give it confidence again so that trust among the EU state members is restored and we must still work hard towards this direction. We are working on this with Euclid (Tsakalotos, with French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and French President Francois Hollande."

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