Greece is on the right track, Juncker says

"The first time we met, Mr Prime Minister, the conditions were much more difficult than today, because Greece was not on the right track and Europe had made mistakes," European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said in a meeting with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday (21/06/2016).

Greece is on the right track, Juncker says

"Today, Greece is on the right track, the results are encouraging, even unemployment is falling, not yet satisfactory," Juncker said and stressed that efforts must continue in the same direction.

Juncker also said that he would like the Greek government, the Greek parliament and the Greek people to have real ownership of the programmes implemented adding that both the government and the European Commission are working for the future of the young people who offer the hope "for the great and important Greek people."

The president of the European Parliament stressed the importance of a well organised state in order to achieve that.

Referring to the refugee issue, he praised the Greek courage and determination. "It is the first time I am visiting Greece and we do not have to discuss the details of the programmes because everything has been settled."

"An outside observer can hardly understand the cost that each Greek had to pay for," he stated and underlined that nobody should offend the Greeks. "I ask for the respect to the dignity of the Greeks."

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