German Interior Min statement on refugees relocation serves internal interests, Mouzalas says

The statements of German Interior MinisterThomas de Maizière are "out of place" and "do not help" the situation, Alternate Migration Minister Yiannis Mouzalas said in an interview with Praktorio 104.9 FM on Tuesday (06/09/2016).

German Interior Min statement on refugees relocation serves internal interests, Mouzalas says

Thomas de Maizière on Sunday suggested that Germany could send migrants back to Greece in statements to a German newspaper.

"The issue has taken excessive dimensions. But such statements do not help," Mouzalas underlined adding that this statement served internal interests ahead of the German elections.

The Greek minister spoke of the "very positive role" played by Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel and added: "There was a European agreement from the past, when refugee flows were 5,000-10,000 annually, when an undocumented migrant was arrested and sent back to the EU member state in which he first arrived. This member state was usually Greece or Italy. This is not applied any more because it was unfair. This could be applied when there were 5,000-10,000 migrants a year. When there are 850,000, it does not make sense."that will examine a new way that will be based on distribution."

"You cannot speak of readmission to a country with 60,000 refugees. The 60,000 refugees correspond to 580,000 in Germany. And you cannot talk about these things when you have promised and have voted that 30,000 refugees should have been relocated from Greece to Europe in 2016 and only 3,500 relocations have been carried out yet." said Mouzalas.

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